*Do the Thing: Personal Retro Workshops
It’s time to do more of what matters most to YOU! This is an interactive workshop where you’ll use an easy tool – the retrospective – to look back and learn from your day, week, or month. Part reflection, part celebration, part gratitude practice, and part self-evaluation.
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: $42
Next session: Do the Thing: February Retro Workshop – February 27th from 11-12:30 Eastern on Zoom. (This is fully active guided workshop, no presentation! We’ll use this 90 minute block to actually DO a retro together. )

What and Why
We’ll start by reviewing what the Retrospective is, how it can help support your organization and mental health, and how you can add it into your day to day life.

Templates, Tools, and Tricks
You’ll come up with your own template that you can tweak over time. For the analytical: a snazzy bulleted list, or for the artists – a creative masterpiece!

Look Back to Move forward
You’ll identify your personal values and priorities, create or edit a “No” list for how to use your time, and make a plan that brings more Joy to your everyday.